Jugend Dritte Welt - Freunde und Förderer der Missionsprokur der Salesianer Don Boscos in Bonn e.V.

Name Jugend Dritte Welt - Freunde und Förderer der Missionsprokur der Salesianer Don Boscos in Bonn e.V.
Translated Name Youth for the Third World - Friends and Supporters of the Don Bosco's Salesian Mission in Bonn e.V.
Contact Jürgen von Danwitz, Rechtsanwalt, Vorsitzender
Additional Contact Hans Jürgen Dörrich, Geschäftsführer
Street Address Sträßchensweg 3, 53113 Bonn, Germany
City None
State/Prov None
Zip 0
Country None
Phone +49-(0)228-539.65.0
Fax +49-(0)228-539.65.66
Email doerrich@jugenddrittewelt.de
Web Site www.jugenddrittewelt.de
Type Applied CST
Work Areas Education, Youth, Work, Poverty, Children, Development, Human Rights
Activities Education, Training, Funding, Fundraising, Campaign
Ecclesiastical Connection Catholic: Salesian Order
Org Level International
More Info Supports the worldwide Salesian projects; special emphasis on education and street children; present in 82 countries.

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